Game of Thrones costume ideas

Perhaps you've been invited to a Game of Thrones-themed party. Perhaps you're throwing one yourself! The costumes are a sumptuous delight, but not everyone starts planning their party wardrobe a year in advance (okay, I do, but I'm definitely a weirdo). If you're stumped for options, why not try one of these easy DIYs?

A Brother of the Night's Watch: Just wear all the black you own and look cold and celibate. A light dusting of powdered sugar will give you the frostbitten look and smell really nice, unlike the actual Night's Watch.

Sand Snake: If you want an excuse to leave the party early, why not try a Sand Snake look? All you need is scanty yellow clothing with some random leather bits and an air of angry uselessness. Everyone will be very glad to see you gone.

Bran Stark: Drape yourself in bunches of black with some faux fur accents. Bonus advantage: you get to sit down a lot and annoy everyone by cryptically reminding them that you're the Three-Eyed Raven. 

The Three-Eyed Raven: Why not go literal? Wear all black and glue a googly eye to the middle of your forehead. Turning a dismantled feather duster into a freaky ruff might be a nice touch.

The other other Three-Eyed Raven: It's so easy to get this look. Just wear a shitload of tatty black bathrobes and an air of regret. If people ask who you are, disintegrate into one hundred shredded scarves.

: Every realm (and party) needs a Master of Whisperers. All you need is a nice bathrobe, a baldcap, and a perpetually worried expression. Disconcert other guests by giving them slyly knowing looks all evening while sipping wine from an oversized goblet.

Olenna Tyrell: There's nothing thorny about pulling this look together. There are always promising grandmother-of-the-bride gowns from 1994 at the thrift store. Add a chiffon headdress and intense snark and voila! When anyone asks who the best-dressed person at the party was, you can honestly say "It was me."

Wildling: Wear literally everything you own, roll around in some dust, and look cold and threatened by existential evil. Bonus points if you remind that guy hovering by the hummus that he knows nothing.

Maester of the Citadel: This is not a good look. Do not choose this look. Don't be bringing the party down with this kind of negativity.

Jorah Mormont, Greyscale Edition: If you really want all eyes to be on you, why not cover yourself in grey body paint and scabs? It's a good way to use all that black eyeshadow you bought during that one phase. Make sure to give any Khaleesis at the party yearning, unfulfilled glances for added authenticity.


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