Dragonstone Gown, Pt. 1

I do a different themed birthday party for myself every year, and since this is the last year we'll get new Game of Thrones episodes (*quiet weeping*), and my birthday's the same week the final season premieres, it seemed the perfect year for a Game of Thrones theme! A few years ago, I made Dany's iconic blue Astapor-conquering outfit for Halloween, but I decided I wanted something new and more regal for my name-day feast. I fell in love with this Dragonstone landing outfit as soon as I saw it, so I've embarked on what may prove to be a foolhardy project, given the level of beading and embroidery here. As they always do for major pop culture properties, Simplicity has released a pattern that's similar to this look ( S8768 ), and because I hate draping my own patterns, I used theirs as a base: There are a couple of differences, however, that I had to adjust to get the look I wanted. The most crucial divergence is that Simplicity's pattern is for a ...